Imperial College London DeepMind MSc Scholarship

May 02, 2024
Visitor/s 654
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About this Program

Imperial College London DeepMind MSc Scholarship 2024 in the UK is open to all international students. There are two DeepMind MSc scholarships available to students with a confirmed place on the MSc in Artificial Intelligence, the MSc in Computing (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning), or the MRes AI and Machine Learning. In this program, DeepMind scholars also receive invaluable guidance from personal mentors within DeepMind and attend educational and career events organized by DeepMind. 


  • Be an international student.
  • Be identified as a woman.
  • Be of an underrepresented, minority ethnicity.

Available Programs 

  • MSc in Artificial Intelligence
  • MSc in Computing (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)
  • MRes AI and Machine Learning


For selected students:

  • Full payment of tuition fees.
  • A stipend for living expenses of £21,420.
  • An equipment grants of £1,700.
  • A travel grant of £2,200 for attendance at conferences.
  • In addition, international scholars may qualify for a relocation allowance.

Scholarship Duration

The scholarship award will be covered throughout the whole 2-year master’s degree study, subject to an annual review of the scholar’s satisfactory progress.

Required Documents

  • Full Academic Transcript of related Undergraduate Study
  • Copy of Valid Passport 
  • Resume
  • Letter of Recommendation
  • Personal Statement

How to Apply

Application Deadline

Application Deadline is on the 17th of May 2024.

For more information, You could go to the Official Website.


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