YSEALI Academic Program

August 06, 2020
Visitor/s 4.7K
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  • Description:

    The Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) is a public diplomacy program designed to advance regional strategic goals, break down barriers that separate the next generation of leaders in Southeast Asia, and link those emerging leaders to the United States. To this end, the YSEALI Fellowship will bring exceptional young leaders from Southeast Asian countries to the United States to further develop their professional and leadership skills. The Study of the U.S. Branch implements the YSEALI Academic Fellowship aimed at young leaders aged 18-25. In spring 2020, the YSEALI Academic Fellowship will bring approximately 125 current or recently graduated students from eleven Southeast Asian countries to the U.S. for five-week Institutes at pre-eminent U.S. universities and colleges. All programs will conclude in Washington, D.C. to allow for networking with policymakers, government representatives, businesses, and think tanks.
     The YSEALI Academic Fellowships are intensive short-term academic Institutes whose purpose is to provide groups of young leaders with a deeper understanding of the United States, and a particular theme, while simultaneously enhancing their leadership skills. The Fellowship will focus on one of three themes: Civic Engagement, Environmental Issues and Natural Resource Management, and Social Entrepreneurship and Economic Development, and the five-week Institutes will consist of a balanced series of seminar discussions, readings, group presentations, and lectures. The coursework and classroom activities will be complemented by educational travel, site visits, leadership activities, and volunteer opportunities within the local community. The Institutes will include an academic residency component of approximately four weeks and a domestic study tour of approximately one week. During the academic residency, participants will also have the opportunity to engage in educational and cultural activities outside of the classroom.


    Through cooperative agreements to the host universities, the U.S. government will cover all participant costs, including international travel costs; travel allowances; program administration; domestic travel and ground transportation; book, cultural, mailing, and incidental allowances; and housing and subsistence.
     All participants will receive the U.S. Department of State’s coverage of $100,000 with a $25 co-pay for the duration of the program. Pre-existing conditions are not covered. 


    • Between the ages of 18 and 25 at the time of application; 
    • A YSEALI member – if you are not a YSEALI member yet, click here to register and become a member; 
    • A Cambodian citizen; 
    • A full-time undergraduate student from college, university, or other institutions of higher learning; or have graduated in the past four years; 
    • Proficient in reading, writing, and speaking English; and 
    • Eligible to receive a United States J-1 visa. (For information about the J-1 visa, please visit http://j1visa.state.gov/.) 

How to Apply:

If you are already a member of YSEALI and would like to apply for this Fellowship, please submit your applications including a completed application form and supporting documents no later than October 31, 2021.

 The supporting documents may include your degrees, transcripts, and TOEFL scores report (if available). They must be submitted by email to the Public Affairs Section, U.S. Embassy Phnom Penh, Attn: Applying for Spring 2020 YSEALI Academic Fellowship, email: PASExchanges@state.gov. 

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Disclaimer: WEduShare does not own the content. Our purpose is purely to help spread information. Although every effort is made to keep the information true, accurate, complete, and appropriate, we make no representations nor warranties.

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