The Global Cultural Relations Programme 2024

June 22, 2024
Visitor/s 869
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About this Program

The Global Cultural Relations Programme (GCRP), the Cultural Relations Platform’s flagship training programme, is a unique opportunity that brings together practitioners from around the world to create meaningful connections and discuss cross-cultural collaborations. The 2024 edition of GCRP is open to cultural and creative professionals OR participants working in fields of creating safer societies.


  • The Cultural Relations Platform is looking for 40 professionals and entrepreneurs working in the cultural and creative sectors OR in creating safer societies. We give high priority to participants working in either of these two sectors. Applications from those not working in the cultural and creative sectors or in creating safer societies will not be considered.
  • You should be aged 25-39, with at least three years’ experience in global/international/cross-cultural collaboration.
  • You could work for a public, private or civil society organisation, or be a freelancer.
  • You will need to be able to commit to the programme throughout its duration from 25-28 November 2024 and allow time for travel to and from Marrakech.

Who can take part in the GCRP?

1. Cultural and creative sector professionals

This includes but is not limited to:

  • Architecture
  • Audiovisual & Cinema
  • Books & Publishing
  • Cultural heritage
  • Cultural management
  • Design
  • Media
  • Music
  • Performing arts
  • Visual arts

2. Professionals working in the field of creating safer societies:

This includes but is not limited to:

  • Conflict and post-conflict areas
  • Peacebuilding
  • Mediation practices, dialogue, and education
  • Post-conflict trauma healing and mental health
  • Interfaith dialogue
  • Human rights and rights-based initiatives
  • Working with marginalised groups
  • Social justice, inclusion, and resilience
  • Asylum, migration, and forced displacement
  • Natural disaster and climate change responses
  • Actions against disinformation


For selected individuals:

The CRP will book and pay for travel to and from Marrakech, accommodation from 24 to 28 November 2024 and any expenses during the programme hours (such as catering). And CRP will cover the costs of visas and any related paperwork. 

Program Duration

GCRP 2024 will take place from 25 to 28 November 2024 (Mon – Thurs).
Participants should also allow time for travel to and from Marrakech.
The timeline of the programme is as follows: 

  • 24 November (Sun): arrival in Marrakech, Morocco 
  • 25 – 28 November: four full days of peer-to-peer learning, knowledge sharing, and 

discussions on interdisciplinary cross-cultural collaboration 

  • 28 November (Thurs): close of programme 
  • 29 November (Fri): departure from Marrakech, Morocco 

How to Apply

Applicants need to register in the application form: (

Applicants must follow its instructions to finish all the required application procedures.

Applicants must submit the application in the system as requested within the application period.

Application Deadline

Application Deadline is on the 14th of July 2024.

For more information, you could go to the Official Website.

Fully Funded

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