About the program
Shanghai Government Scholarship 2025-2026 is a fully funded scholarship for international students. This scholarship is offered for undergraduate, masters and PhD studies. This scholarship covers full tuition fee, accommodation, medical insurance and monthly living expense up to CNY3500.
Shanghai Government Scholarship SGS is open to international students to undertake higher education at educational institutes in Shanghai China for 2025-2026 session. Shanghai Government Scholarship (SGS) was started in 2006 with the objective to enhance the development of international student education in Shanghai and attract more and more brilliant international students.
The study in Shanghai is a great Opportunity & SGS is offering Scholarships in China to Non-Chinese Students in Multiple Disciplines. A Wide range of fields Under Shanghai Scholarship philosophy, economics, law, education, literature, history, management, science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, and art.
Shanghai Government is offering Two Types of Scholarships. Type A (Full Scholarship) which includes Exempt from tuition fee, Accommodation on campus; provide comprehensive medical insurance & Monthly living expense. Type B (Partial scholarship). Full Details are given below.
Applications are invited to Apply for the Shanghai Government Scholarship 2020 For Bachelors, Masters & Ph.D. Shanghai Government has opened its door for Full Scholarship in China to invite Students from all around the world to earn Bachelors, Masters & Ph.D. Degree on a Full Scholarship.
Scholarship Summary
- Level of Study: Undergraduate, Masters, PhD
- Institutions(s): Shanghai Universities (Check list below)
- Study in: China
- Courses Offered: Philosophy, economics, law, education, literature, history, management, science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, and art.
- Program Period: Bachelor’s Degree Program: 4 to 5 years, Master’s Degree Programs: 2 to 3 years, Doctoral Degree Programs: 3 to 4 years
- Deadline: Between January to June of each year
List of Shanghai Universities
No. | Universities | Web Site |
1 | Fudan University | https://iso.fudan.edu.cn/isoenglish/ |
2 | Shanghai Jiao Tong University | http://isc.sjtu.edu.cn/EN/Default.aspx |
3 | Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine | https://www.shsmu.edu.cn/iso_en/ |
4 | Tongji University | https://study.tongji.edu.cn/English/ |
5 | East China Normal University | https://english.ecnu.edu.cn/ |
6 | East China University of Science and Technology | https://ies.ecust.edu.cn/en/index.php |
7 | Shanghai International Studies University | http://en.shisu.edu.cn/ |
8 | Donghua University | https://english.dhu.edu.cn/ |
9 | Shanghai University of Finance and Economics | https://ices.sufe.edu.cn/enices/ |
10 | Shanghai University | https://apply.shu.edu.cn/application/index |
11 | University of Shanghai for Science and Technology | http://isoe.usst.edu.cn/ |
12 | Shanghai Maritime University | https://en.shmtu.edu.cn/ |
13 | Shanghai Conservatory of Music | https://en.shcmusic.edu.cn/main.htm |
14 | Shanghai Theatre Academy | https://en.sta.edu.cn/ |
15 | Shanghai University of Sport | https://eng.sus.edu.cn/Admission.htm |
16 | East China University of Political Science and Law | https://study.ecupl.edu.cn/ |
17 | Shanghai Ocean University | https://www.shou.edu.cn/eng/6689/list.htm |
18 | Shanghai University of Electric Power | https://fao.shiep.edu.cn/en/ |
19 | Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine | https://iec.shutcm.edu.cn/en/ |
20 | Shanghai Normal University | https://english.shnu.edu.cn/ |
21 | Shanghai University of International Business and Economics | https://www.suibe.edu.cn/wsc/lhlx/ |
22 | Shanghai University of Engineering Science | https://cie.sues.edu.cn/global/main.htm |
23 | Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance | https://en.lixin.edu.cn/ |
24 | Shanghai Polytechnic University | https://lxs.sspu.edu.cn/ |
25 | Shanghai Dianji University | https://ies.sdju.edu.cn/ |
26 | Shanghai Institute of Technology | https://inter.sit.edu.cn/_t451/main.htm |
27 | Shanghai Business School | https://english.sbs.edu.cn/ |
28 | Shanghai University of Political Science and Law | https://www.shupl.edu.cn/en/ |
29 | Sanda University | https://global.sandau.edu.cn/ |
30 | Shanghai Jian Qiao University | https://en.gench.edu.cn/ |
31 | Shanghai University of Medicine & Health Sciences | https://www.sumhs.edu.cn/english/ |