IRENA Youth Logo Contest 2024

May 29, 2024
Visitor/s 707
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About this Program

The IRENA logo competition 2024 is an international youth competition aiming to inspire and empower the next generation of energy leaders by reimagining the IRENA Youth Logo, which will be used on the organization's website, social media, and marketing materials.


  • Applicants must be 18-35 years of age.
  • Applicants should submit the logo in digital form via email.
  • Applicants should write the subject of the email as “IRENA YOUTH Logo Contest (Your name/team’s name)”.
  • Applicants can be a team consisting of up to two members.
  • Applicants can submit up to three designs via one email.
  • Applicants should be able to give a brief description of the design and how it matches the IRENA Youth Initiative.

Logo Requirements

  • It should have the words “IRENA Youth”.
  • The logo can either be redesigned or inspiration can be taken from the current logo.
  • The IRENA Youth logo and the IRENA logo should be combined to form a new logo.
  • IRENA Youth should be a sub-brand of IRENA.
  • Various elements related to sustainability, youth, and renewable energy can be used.
  • The color scheme should be relevant to IRENA’s concept. It is preferable to use blue color for IRENA.
  • Both capital and small letters can be used.
  • The vision and mission of IRENA should be reflected in the logo.
  • The logo should be used on any background.
  • It should be relevant to the target audience of 16-35 years of age.
  • The design should be original and not copied from anywhere.
  • Submit each logo on a separate A4 size page.
  • The logo design should be in high-resolution vector form (PDF, AI, EPS, or SVG).
  • Each logo should have two versions. One individual IRENA Youth logo and the other IRENA Youth Logo combined with the IRENA logo.

Scholarship Benefits

For selected individuals:

  • The winner or winning team will get a free trip to Abu Dhabi.
  • The winning logo will be shared at the IRENA Youth Forum.
  • The winner will be announced on IRENA’s official website and social media platforms.
  • Opportunity to participate in IRENA Youth Forum event.

Event Dates

The duration of the event takes place from January 9th to January 14th, 2025, in Abu Dhabi.

Required Documents

  • Each logo is designed separately on A4 size pages.
  • Passport for traveling to UAE.
  • Participants sign a undertaking stating they are original owners of their logo design, granting IRENA exclusive rights to use or reproduce it without future payment.
  • Digital form of Logo
  • Description of design in PDF format document (200 words)

How to Apply

  • Applicants need to register by submitting all required documents via email: (
  • Applicants must follow its instructions to finish all the required application procedures.
  • Applicants must submit the application in the system as requested within the application period.

Application Deadline

Application Deadline is 1st July of 2024.

For more information, you could go to the Official Website

Fully Funded

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