10 Reasons You Should Consider Studying Abroad In High School

January 27, 2024
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More students and families are choosing to start their study abroad journey as early as high school, as these are developmental years for students when they can absorb most of the benefits of living and studying in a foreign country.

Whether you love traveling, want to challenge yourself or find are looking for new academic opportunities, here are 10 reasons why you should consider studying abroad in high school.

1. Immersive Cultural Experience

Studying abroad while in high school exposes you to much more than just a different classroom experience. You will see how people from other countries live and study, you will meet people from all over the world, and you will learn about their languages, cultures, and values. It certainly will broaden your perspectives in life.

2. Practice Language Skills

Spending your high school years abroad allows you to level up your English skills. Living and studying in a 24/7 English-speaking environment 24/7 helps you to communicate and express your ideas fluently. More importantly, you will feel confident and comfortable to use the language whether English in academic, professional, and or social contexts, which expands your career opportunities in the future.

3. Robust Academic Offerings

Most U.S. and Canadian high schools offer a wide range of academic classes that fulfill not only your graduation requirement but also let you explore your interests. and potentials. You can take seminars courses in forensics, sports medicine, film making, theater, business analysis and more in high school to determine what you want to major in college.

4. Build Your Professional Network

Many high school students find have opportunities to build their professional networks through mentorship and internships while studying abroad. International students can apply for summer internship programs or university-level research projects to advance in their academics and extracurricular activities.

5. Make New Friends

If you study abroad in high school, chances are you will not only become friends with local students but also students from countries like China, Portugal, Spain, or Mexico! Studying abroad also helps you expand your global network that would be beneficial for your future.  

6. Improve Your College Application

Studying abroad is great for your college applications. International high school students tend to be well-rounded in both academic and extracurricular activities, as well as independent and dynamic when living abroad. These qualities are favored by college admission officers at top universities around the world.  

7. Practice Independence

Studying and living abroad away from home is a wonderful opportunity for students to be more independent. You will be more responsible in your life and studies; you will also learn to take care of yourself and make impactful decisions. This allows for exploration of who you are and who you want to be. 

8. Travel And Explore  

Many study abroad programs for high school students organize trips to explore local attractions and diverse cultural experiences. Imagine traveling with your friends to Disney World, Hollywood or hiking along the Californian coast. It will be an experience to remember!

9. Become A Better Version of Yourself

Studying abroad makes you a better version of yourself, one that is independent, dynamic, culturally fluent, confident, and compassionate. You will also no doubt develop leadership skills while engaging in different extracurricular activities and community service opportunitiess during high school, which will create a positive impacts for your future.

10. Have Fun!

High school can be incredibly stressful, but studying abroad will guarantee to help you make the experience more exciting! New school, different environment and lifestyles, global friends, and refreshing perspectives await in your high school years abroad. Do not forget to have fun and enjoy the every day experience best of the experience when studying abroad in high school! 


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