UWC Scholarships For Cambodian Students (2018-2020)

August 07, 2020
Visitor/s 2.3K
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The United World Colleges (UWC) offers an International Baccalaureate education to students with a high emphasis placed on international understanding and the sharing of cultures. Currently, there are 17 UWC colleges throughout the world. Four scholarships are offered to Cambodian students aged 16 to 18 years old for the academic year 2019 - 2021. 

Selection process 

  • Selection criteria are based upon the quality of the application, including a short essay. 
  • Shortlist candidates will be selected to sit the 1st round exam. The selection committee's decision is final and irrevocable. 
  • Short-listed candidates will be notified via e-mail by 15th January 2018 with further information on exam date, exam subjects, and venue. 
  • Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Those who do not receive a notification of application decision by 15th January 2018 means they have not made it to the 1st round. 
  • General selection updates will be provided on the UWC Cambodia website, Facebook page, and e-mail notifications to short-listed candidates. 


Scholarships are up to fully funded except in the USA.


Eligibility requirements: 

  • Be Cambodian citizens, have been born between 01 September 2001 and 31 August 2003, and are currently attending high school in Cambodia. Note: Candidates born before 01 September 2001 or after 31 August 2003 will be automatically eliminated from the short-list. 

Qualification requirements: 

  • Have very good written and spoken English, have an excellent academic record, particularly in Mathematics, Khmer, English, 
    demonstrate global understanding, have proven interested in extracurricular activities, and be of strong moral character. 

How to Apply 

Eligible and qualified applicants are invited to submit an online application form free of charge. The process is simple: 

  • Step 1: Go to bit.ly/uwc-cambodia-2yrs-application 
  • Step 2: Fill in all the details and then click on "Submit" 
  • Step 3: you will receive a notification of the application in your inbox if you enter a valid e-mail address. Please check the spam/junk box if you don't see the notification e-mail in your main inbox. 
    Note: Complete application must include answers to all short essay questions. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Hard-copy and e-mailed applications are not accepted. 

Interested candidates can apply through this link. 

For more information, please visit this site. 

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Disclaimer: WEduShare does not own the content. Our purpose is purely to help spread information. Although every effort is made to keep the information true, accurate, complete, and appropriate, we make no representations nor warranties.

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