Harvard Radcliffe Institute Fellowship 2025-26 in USA

May 24, 2024
Visitor/s 667
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About this Program

Harvard Radcliffe Fellows are part of an interdisciplinary community that spans sciences, arts, humanities, and professions, fostering a diverse range of approaches and expertise, and forming a strong alumni network for professional and global impact.


  • Everyone of any nationality can apply.
  • Must have accomplished high scores.
  • Must have independent research and writing skills.
  • If you are applying as a practitioner, you must have senior leadership positions in non-profits, government, or the private sector and have at least ten years of relevant experience and be acknowledged as a leader in your relevant field.
  • You should not be a former Harvard fellow.

Specifics Eligibility Requirements

For applicants of humanities, and social sciences:
  • Have obtained their doctorate in the area of their proposed project.
  • Your degree must be completed two years before your appointment here.
  • Must have published a monogram or at least two articles in refereed journals.
For applicants of science, engineering, and mathematics:
  • Have obtained their doctorate in the area of their proposed project.
  • Your degree must be completed two years before your appointment here.
  • Must have published at least five articles in referred journals.
For applicants of creative arts; Film and Video:
  • Must have a strong work achievement, demonstrated in the form of video festivals, films, or broadcasts on television.
For applicants of creative arts; Visual Arts:
  • Must have strong work achievement.
  • Experience working for at least five years as a professional artist.
  • Must have participated in several curated group shows.
  • Must have participated in professional solo exhibitions.
For applicants of creative arts; Fiction & Non-Fiction:
  • Must have one of the following achievements:
  • Published books: 1 or more.
  • Contract for publishing the manuscript.
  • Minimum three works published, which should be no longer than newspaper articles. 
For applicants of creative arts; Journalism:
  • Must have relevant professional experience of a minimum of five years.
For applicants of creative arts; Poetry:
  • Must have published a minimum of 20 poems in the previous five years or have published a book of poetry.
  • Must be in the process of completing the manuscript.
For applicants of creative arts; Playwriting:
  • Must have an independent work achievement either in the form of play production or similar to that.
  • Music Composition:
  • PhD or DMA is preferred, but not compulsory.
  • Must be a professional artist with a recent performance record.


For selected students:

  • The award is valued at $78,000.
  • $5,000 is granted to cover project expenses.
  • A relocation fund is granted.
  • A housing fund is granted.
  • A childcare fund is granted.
  • Healthcare assistance is provided.
  • It will be a privilege to work in an international environment.
  • It will help develop your professional skills.

Program Duration

The duration of the Harvard Scholarship 2024 is from September 2024—May 2025.

Required Documents

  • Application form
  • CV
  • Project proposal
  • Work sample
  • Three recommendation letters from the provided referees

How to Apply

  • Applicants need to register in the application form: (https://radcliffe.onlineapplicationportal.com/default.aspx)
  • Applicants must follow its instructions to finish all the required application procedures.
  • Applicants must submit the application in the system as requested within the application period.

Application Deadline

  • Application Deadline for applicants of humanities, social sciences, and creative arts is 12th of September 2024.
  • Application Deadline for applicants of science, engineering, and mathematics is October 3rd of 2024.

For more information, you could go to the Official Website.

Fully Funded

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