Leadership Management & Conflict Resolution Conference

May 03, 2024
Visitor/s 620
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About this Program

The Global Peace Camp, a Leadership Management & Conflict Resolution Certification program at the University of Cambridge, is launching to equip emerging leaders with the necessary skills to navigate complex challenges and drive positive societal change. The program aims to develop leadership and organizational management skills, networking among peers and mentors, and cultivating leaders committed to advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. With only 15 fully funded seats available, quickly grab your chances.


  • Aged above 16 years.
  • Responsible and enthusiastic young leader
  • Expected to lead in future at any stage.
  • Must have passed School level education.
  • Must be engaged in social/educational activities at any level.
  • You can apply without IELTS/TOEFL for this summit.
  • All Employees/Students, young activists and leaders can apply.

Focus Areas

  • Learn how to lead and solve disagreements.
  • Take part in classes and workshops led by experts.
  • Meet and connect with leaders from different places.
  • Understand different cultures through exchange.
  • Work towards big goals like world peace.
  • Gain new skills for leading groups and projects.
  • Think of new ways to help the world.
  • Group activities.


For selected individuals:

  • Airfare
  • Lodging
  • Peace Passport
  • Meals (breakfast and lunch)
  • Conference Kit
  • Awards & Certifications
  • Cultural Evening Ceremony Presentation
  • Gala Celebration Party Night

Program Duration

The program duration will be taking place on the 8th to the 12th of September at the University of Cambridge.

How to Apply

  • Applicants need to register in the application form: (https://www.globalpeacechain.org/apply/)
  • Applicants must follow its instructions to finish all the required application procedures.
  • Applicants must submit the application in the system as requested within the application period.

Application Deadline

Application Deadline is on the 15th of May 2024.

For more information, you could go to the Official Website.  

Fully Funded

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