11 Countries You Can Study Abroad without IELTS or TOEFL

August 12, 2020
Visitor/s 2.5K
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English proficiency test score is the most common and important requirement prior to your foreign institute admission. So, having no valid IELTS/TOEFL test score can be an obstacle for students who want to pursue higher education abroad. Yet, not all university needs the test score. Below are the countries where you can pursue your bachelor’s or master’s degrees without IELTS or TOEFL.

1. United States

Students applying for some universities in the country do not need to prove their English proficiency upon conditions various from schools. Some universities require you to do English proficiency test of the school as a part of the admission process. Another alternative is to study IEP (Intensive English Program), which can vary in duration. International students can choose universities of their choice across the country including California, Washington, Texas, Massachusetts, New York, and so on.

2. Canada

The majority of universities in the country don’t require IELTS/TOEFL for the admission, but, again, you have to meet their requirement such as well academic records. Some universities even seek for other medium of English language test assessment. There are a lot of choices you can choose for your higher education but be sure to know policy of the school you’re applying to first.

3. Australia

Most universities in the country overlook IELTS/TOEFL if you have meet certain requirements such as English as secondary school instruction. However, it may be varying from schools you are applying to. In some Universities, you are required to do alternative test like PTE or CAE if you don’t have IELTS/TOEFL. Another alternative is that students can take ELICOS (English Language Intensive Courses for Oversea Students), which is intended for overseas students that need English language training before commencing higher-level studies in Australia. Regarding the choice, you can choose to study throughout the country from Queensland to New South Wales, so it is not hard for you to find suitable school to study.

4. New Zealand

The country has many institutes that don’t require students to have IELTS/TOEFL, but students without IELTS/TOEFL are subjected to certain conditions according to the school’s requirement. This might include letter from school to show that your study medium is English.

5. Spain

International students can study in the country both with and without IELTS/TOEFL. Similar to other countries mentioned above, students without IELTS/TOEFL need to complete certain requirement of the university you are applying to. So, check the school’s policy or consult with specialized people before applying.

6. Germany

Usually, you don’t have to have IELTS/TOEFL to apply for colleges in the country if your school can provide MOI certificate to show that the class are taught in English (often applied for those who wish to study master’s degree). Surely, if you are to study in German, you are not required to have IELTS/TOEFL, but you need to demonstrate a firm knowledge in the language either by preparatory course or language test result (DSH, GDH, DSD, or TestDaF).

7. China

English proficiency test such as IELTS/TOEFL is not required in the country. However, you need to satisfy the university’s demands, which is different according to the university. For Chinese-medium courses, you need to have HSK level 4-5 (for bachelor’s degree) and HSK level 5-8 (for master’s degree). Entrance exam is necessary according to the program and school you choose. Therefore, you should find out more about the requirements of the university you’re interested in.

8. Singapore

A Foundation programs and preparatory courses in Singapore are designed to fill the gap between the current level of qualification and knowledge needed for further studies. Applicants whose medium of instruction is English can be waived off but the university admission’s team decision will be final and if they ask you to take up the English proficiency test. Some universities have their own English test for students without IELTS/TOEFL.

9. Indonesia

There are numbers of universities in the country that require you to have IELTS/TOEFL, but if you don’t meet the requirement, certain programs can be applied such as English language courses. Therefore, you can study in the country without having to have IELTS/TOEFL.

10. Malaysia

The country is the 11th most-preferred study destination, and its universities and colleges are widely recognized. Students coming from English speaking countries are not required to proof their English proficiency, but those who don’t need to follow admission policy different from colleges to colleges.

11. Thailand

You may have to take English proficiency test or study preparatory course as the alternative of having no IELTS or TOEFL score. Therefore, the requirements are different depending on schools. So, you should find the right requirement before applying or consult with us.

Don’t let IELTS/TOEFL stop you from pursuing your higher education abroad as there are many ways to studying abroad. Remember that the government policy of each country can be changed annually. Therefore, you are advised to consult with us for free before applying. For more information, ask us on our Facebook page. 



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